Contact Us

Let's get the ball rolling!

How to submit your words:

You may submit your words to us either typed in an e-mail or attached to an e-mail as a Word Document, PDF File, or any file we can easily open. You may also mail your material in the regular mail to:

Royal Master Records
P.O. Box 393
La Porte, IN 46352

If you have music for your song or just the music idea for your song, you may submit to us what is referred to as a “work tape” by attaching it to an e-mail as an mp3 file or by mailing a CD or cassette tape to the above address. The recording may be a voice alone, a voice with a guitar, or a full band. You do not have to be a good singer; we do not need to sing the entire song. All we need is the basic structure of the verses and chorus. Some writers record an audio or video recording on their cell phones and attach that digital file to their e-mails.

Regardless of what you have, we do not charge a fee to evaluate Poems, Lyrics, and Song Recordings. You remain 100% owner of all words and music that you submit to us. We will review your song words and/or song and let you know what we can do for you, usually within one business day.